About Us
Legacy Arts and Film Lab aim is to continually produce quality feature films, documentaries, theatre productions and stage musicals with a focus on creating an avenue to use theatre & film and the arts for social change and to promote and nurture talent in the arts and film.

Zanzi Madness

Mama's Mirror

Side Chick Wife

Upcoming Events
Legacy arts and film lab always have many events and opportunities including forums, festivals, shows, and films. We will keep you updated on our latest and past events.

Our Services

We offer consultancies on Creative Arts, Gender, Development, Community and Education. We have a passion for works that involve advocacy, empowerment, Civic Education, and Public Participation on Socio-political and economic issues. This involves but is not limited to Strategic Plan Development, Gender Mainstreaming and Community Advocacy. We believe through combining research and the creative arts, the community gets more empowered in an amicable environment, thus creating a deeper lasting and positive impact.

Legacy Arts and Film Lab founded the Lake International PanAfrican Film Festival(LIPFF) in 2016, due to the gap in Festivals for Films in African Languages. We believe that African stories need to be told in African Languages as authentic as can be. The Festival has various activities from film screenings, workshops, panel discussions, Open forums, local tourism and the Gala Awards Ceremony.
Meet Our Team!
Here’s what people say about us:
Zippy Okoth is a phenomenal woman on the theatre scene. Indefatigable too! Still, she filled the theatre to full capacity, receiving an extended standing ovation to confirm her status as one of the most dynamic, multi-talented and much-loved creatives around.
Margaretta Wa Gasheru
Business Daily
Zippy, who won the best Director at the 2015 Sanaa Theatre Awards, where her musical Tigo scooped the best production and another four awards, is known for her passion for infusing authentic Kenyan music into her persuasive lines
George Orido
The Standard
LIPFF is doing a good job on going virtual and reaching a greater population through their virtual panel discussions and Open Forum Session
Sir Timothy Owase
C.E.O Kenya Film Commissio
You can find us on Social media:
Get a copy of Oops Zippy:
Oops Zippy From The Diary Of A Divorced Woman by Zippora Agatha Okoth (Dr. Zippy Okoth)
OOPS ZIPPY: The Diary of a Divorced Woman, is an account of the life of Zippy, a 25 year old performing artist, who falls in love with a young military man. It narrates their romantic love life that ended in an abusive marriage full of infidelity, physical abuse and finally trauma, following the loss of their son.

We're Ready, Let's Talk.
Contact Info
P.O. Box 51998-00200, NAIROBI.
Theatre and Film Labs: +254 736 035 417
Legacy Kids Theatre and Film club: +254 736 035 417/ +254 722446990
LIPF Festival: +254 722446990/ +254 721 397144/
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